These wonderful people gave me love, support, work, and encouragement during my performing years. I sincerely regret that I never got to thank them all when I decided to close this chapter of my life. I will always be grateful and thankful for their generosity and encouragement they gave to an insecure, skinny guy from Manoa Valley who never really believed he had enough talent or the right looks to become a professional performer. To all of them, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart, for believing in me, giving me a chance to reach my dreams and ambitions.
My sisters: Gayle Wong and Joi Muranaka
My family: The Iwamoto, Noguchi, Muranaka, Wong, Matsui, Hara, Hasuike, Hollstein, Miyashiro, Nakashima, Arakaki, Toniolo, Paiva and Kimura klans
Shari Lynn and Michael Acebedo – Shari, I am so blessed to have a friend like you for so many decades. Our lives and careers have intersected so many times and we have been there for each other all these years. I have always been a big Shari fan; long may you sing and perform!
Aloha Got Soul - Roger Bong and Don Hernandez you guys are the best. I’m very happy and proud to be part of your AGS ohana and I appreciate how you are preserving local music and helping local artists in the process. Looking forward to working and collaborating with you!
Hal Bradbury-I always enjoyed your stage performances and singing. I was honored to sing back up on your solo album.
Manny Cabral – thank you for giving and entrusting me with two award winning songs. Glad we got to go to the Tokyo Music Festival together.
Melinda Caroll-Long before we both won the two Grand Prizes at the Third Hawaii Music Festival, we established a friendship and shared love of music that allowed us to sing and perform together. I look back at those memories with love and happiness. I’m so thankful and grateful that we’ve reconnected on social media and can keep tabs on our lives.
Cecilio & Kapono – Working with both of you collectively and individually have been career highlights for me.
Paula Cifarelli – Looking forward to getting the gang together again in Honolulu someday post pandemic!
Frank DeLima - Thanks for always making me laugh. It was fun traveling with you for The Hawaiian Moving Company special we did in LA.
The EbbTides – Larry & Amy Fukunaga, thanks for giving me my start.
Michael Engle – Thank you for Good Morning Paradise, it was great while it lasted, and I wish I had better archived all the shows!
Gene Fernandez – I miss our years of playing at La Mancha together. I hope to see you and Jan in Vegas!
Dirk and Dale Fukushima – Thanks for being in my life, you guys are the best.
Rachel Gonzales – Your voice and enormous talent has always been an inspiration to me.
Jean Hagi – Mama Jean thanks for looking out for me.
Wayne & Vi Harada – We’ve been best friends for decades. I would never have experienced the performing career that I had without your support, guidance, advice and honesty. Thank you for everything, and especially in our golden years, I appreciate you and Vi even more.
Harry’s Music - Alan Yoshioka, Bernard & Emmett Yoshioka – No one was sadder than I was to hear you had closed Harry’s Music. I will always cherish the hours I spent hanging out in the store, and all the music you gave me. Your store and the staff were the best friend every local singer and musician could have.
Karl Hattori
Hawaii Musicians: Looking back I had the privilege of working with the best of the best musicians both in the studio and in live performances. Some of these musicians are local legends and veterans like Gabe Baltazar, Clyde Pound, Jimmy Funai, Al Bardi, Peter Factora, Noel Okimoto, John Kolivas, Bruce Hamada, Kimo Cornwell, Dave Inamine, Ray Kaneyama, Robert Shinoda, and so many more - you all have my eternal gratitude, respect and appreciation.
Chriss Heyd – You were a first believer in me, and I will never forget that. Thanks for pushing KIKI to play my music!
Dean Hirata – Wherever you are, just know how much I appreciated your friendship and support.
Hungry Ear Records – thanks for buying and selling my albums. You guys rock!
Irene Isa
Gerald Ishibashi, Stonebridge Productions – Brother, long may you keep rocking on! Thanks for your support and collaboration for Carole Kai and me back in the Kono Hawaii days - we couldn’t have done those gigs without you and your awesome band!
Bread & Butter (Satsuya “Sachin” and Fuyumi Iwasawa) – Thank you for our musical collaboration on “True Love,’ and “A Love Song For You”. Arigato!
Kimo Kahoano - Mahalo big bruddah.
Danny Kaleikini – I’ll always appreciate how kind and caring you were to me; even paying me to be a guest singer at your Kahala show whenever I was between gigs and inviting me to be a guest on your TV show. Thank you for your generous and caring heart.
Barry Kim - a classy guy, friend and performer that I always admired.
Jan Kitaguchi – Thanks for many years of support and friendship.
Kamasami Kong - still living the life in Japan. Thanks for all your help back in the KIKI days!
Tweedy & Andy Knef – “Kimi to itsumademo”…
The Krush – Edwin Ramones, Bucci Canencia, Wade Kuroiwa, Hal Bradbury, Bobby Gonzalez, Phillip Galaura, Macky Galbiso and Freddie Paraz and later Ben Vegas. I miss you guys and your music, thanks for the friendship and fellowship!
Jay Larrin – So many fond memories of our conversations, no one can tell a story like you can.
Melveen Leed – There is no one like you nor will there ever be. So talented, funny, and giving – thank you for believing and inspiring me with your enormous talent, wit and humor. I feel very blessed by your friendship and years of support.
Bill Maliglig - Mahalo for the great second album cover, you’re truly gifted.
Adrian Mangiboyat Jr. – I don’t know how I would’ve survived the hungry years without your support and encouragement. Thanks for always believing in me.
Estelle Mangiboyat Aoki – Superwoman! Thank you for your unwavering support and encouragement.
Kika Matsumoto
Sonya Mendez – My soul sistah, rest assured I don’t waste God’s time anymore, I make sure when I ask for forgiveness it’s epic.
Jeanne Mitsuda – Always a “kusatta girl”, may you never change!
Ron & Gail Miyashiro – Ronnie, you took a chance on me when you hired me. I will always remember our after-gig chats at Liliha Bakery and performing at La Mancha with you and the band until the wee hours of the morning. Thank you for playing piano on the “Somewhere in My Lifetime” track. Whenever I listen to it, I think of you and everything you did for me including making me learn hundreds of songs in multiple musical genres. I owe my repertoire versatility to you!
Pastor Ralph and Ruby Moore – Always inspirational to me and thousands more. Thank you for showing me God’s love.
Ken Morimoto – I miss the time we spent together practicing and vocalizing. I hope you are happy and well.
Music Magic (Al Pascua, Fred Schreuders, Jay Molina, Peter Factora, Scott Kohler) – You guys are the best and thanks for supporting my recordings with your musical artistry and brilliance.
Mike Nacapuy – Always loved performing with your band…miss you and your big heart.
Lloyd Nakano – My brother through thick and thin, thanks for putting up with my terrible tennis playing and my insecurities.
Don Oda – Above all, you have always been a trusted friend and confidante. You and your guitar were my musical rock and I miss our days of performing together and your supportive background harmonies. May you always rock on my brother!
Carole Kai and Eddie Onouye – Carole your unconditional love and friendship has been a cornerstone of my life. God blessed me abundantly when we met, and you took me under your wing and became my spiritual guide and sister. I will always treasure and cherish our years of performing together on the mainland and in Hawaii and everything in life that we have experienced together. I will always love and appreciate you.
Rene & Akemi Paulo, Kathy Paulo. Michael Paulo – thanks for making me feel part of the Paulo family guest singing at Opus One.
Michael W. Perry – Your support always meant a lot to me and still does.
Bill Rhyne – Loved playing music with you and now that we live relatively close by in Northern CA, we need to get together when it’s safe to do so.
Roosevelt High School, Class of 72 – Nothing but love for my high school classmates, sorry I kept my love of singing from all of you until after graduation. Not sure why so many Roosevelt alums (Danny Kaleikini, Yvonne Elliman, Bruno Mars and others) became professional performers and singers, but I’m proud to represent the class of 72.
Ann & Floyd Rubendall – My second Mom and Dad, how I love you both so much for always being there for me all these years. Thank you for your decades of unconditional love and support.
Marlene Sai - Always a class act and wonderful singer. Thank you for your encouragement and the laughs. My favorite “Goofy” story was when we were attending a concert at the Shell and you asked me if I was still singing. When I told you I retired, you said to me, “Don’t say you are retired, tell people you’re considering your options. You never know what may happen.” I’ll always cherish that memory and your advice!
Pastor Mel and Sandy Schmeiser - My love of the Lord was because I became a member of Faith Fellowship. Thank you for showing me unconditional love.
Frank B. Shaner - Thanks for supporting my music on KIKI.
Stacy Shigezawa - Mahalo for all your support and friendship. You are always there for me and it means a lot.
Society of Seven – Honored and privileged to know all of you. You are the gold standard of performing showmanship and professionalism.
Sounds of Hawaii Recording Studio (The Ono Family) – I will always be grateful that you shared your studio and recording advice with me.
Studio Hawai’I - thanks for such good memories of recording at your studio.
Mimi Nguyen Sugane – I will always love and cherish our years of singing for Ronnie at La Mancha together. I’m glad we reconnected.
Sydette Sakauye - thanks for being such a kind friend.
Amy Tamashiro - I learned so much about Japanese culture, musical artists and radio broadcasting from you. I will always look back with love when you, me and Irene Isa did our Japanese - English language “champon” music show on KOHO radio!
Dennis Tanaka – thank you for writing my first hit single, Fairy Tale, and If I Love Again. After all these years people still ask me about your songs. Thanks for entrusting me with it.
Tanaka Family of Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan - I could never have survived my years in Japan without your love, support, and patronage.
Sandy Tsukiyama – Thanks for reminding me that I loaned you my personal mic; you are the only one who has ever borrowed my personal mic. Thanks for all your support and years of friendship.
Alan Yamamoto – The best local artist manager in the business.
Ron Wiley - Thank you for playing my music on your radio shows.
Bob Wilson (Seawind) - Working and collaborating with you on New Dimensions was one of the highlights of my career. Thanks for pushing me and getting the best out of me. You are a master music genius.
Ben Woods - Thank you for covering me in your column.
*Special thank you to:
Filippo Ciampini, website design, digital LP art graphics and creation
Garrett Haines, Treelady Studios – Mastering Engineer for The Best of Kevin I. 1980 -1985 and The Love Song Collection 1980-1985 (2022 Remaster)